Assignment 1 - 2

“Developing an architecture that is highly available and load balanced using Consul and Fabio or HAProxy”

Problem Statement

Load Balance Apache Airavata API-Server on AWS using spot instances.

Possible Solutions

Use Consul or Zookeeper or ETCD as service registry and HAProxy or Fabio for load balancing.

Solution Evaluations

Detailed info


Consul with HAProxy and Consul Template seems to be the best approach for our scenario.

Wiki for Code Instructions

Please see

My Git Commits for this Project:

Commits related to Load Balancing:

Commit #1

Commit #2

Commit #3

Commit #4

Commit #5

Commits related to load balancing:

Commit #6

Commit #7

Commit #8

Commit #9

Commit #10

My Discussions on the Github issues

Issue #1

Issue #2

Issue #3

My Discussions on the Apache Airavata Developer List

Load Balancing #1

Load Balancing #2

Workload Distribution #1

Workload Distribution #2

My Jira Entries

No Jira entries were needed.

My Apache Airavata Pull Requests

No Airavata Pull Requests.